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your breath matters
Film contributions and trailers:
Craniosacral therapy:
- Craniosacral therapy: the body's own self-regulation, Naturheilzentrum WirbelDOC (2019), D:
- The healing power of meditation, Arte Doku (2017), D
- What is polarity? dr phil. Urs Honauer, Center for Internal Ecology (2012), D
- Shiatsu Film, Shiatsu Society Switzerland (2019), D
TRE® (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises):
- Explanation of TRE from medical history, Dr. David Berceli, (2014), E
- Full Instructions with Dr. David Berceli & Donna Phillips (OFFICIAL), TRE FOR ALL, (2019), E
- Yoga - The Power of Life (Trailer), Stéphane Haskell, Arsenalfilm (2019), D
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